brazilfw vm
brazilfw vm

2013年4月5日—ThevirtualBrazilFWinstancenowrunsmanytimesfasterthanitdidbefore,butnowIhaveaproblemwithRemoteDesktopaccesstomymainLAN ...,2010年2月27日—專門做NAT的作業系統的選擇還蠻多的,像是m0n0wall,BrazilFW,IPCOP等等,我最後選pfsense的原因是功能多...

brazilfw in vmware, wont connect wan port


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Very odd problem with virtualized linux router

2013年4月5日 — The virtual BrazilFW instance now runs many times faster than it did before, but now I have a problem with Remote Desktop access to my main LAN ...

VMWare ESXi導入遊記(四)我家的網路架構

2010年2月27日 — 專門做NAT的作業系統的選擇還蠻多的,像是m0n0wall, BrazilFW, IPCOP等等,我最後選pfsense的原因是功能多、介面好看之外,他剛好也是FreeBSD based…

virtualization [BrazilFW Firewall and Router]

Virtualização. A Versão 3.x do BrazilFW é compatível com os seguintes aplicativos de Virtualização: VM Ware Virtual Box Virtual PC Hyper-V. A Versão 3.x do ...

單一IP Hyper-V如何多VM?

... BrazilFW),然後將Guest OS設定兩張網路卡,一張可設定對外IP,一張設定虛擬IP,設定Port Forwarding(通訊Port重導向)連結Guest OS有WEB或MAIL的SERVER. 0 則回應 分享.

brazilfw in vmware, wont connect wan port

I set a static ip to the wan eth0 card on the host os and gave it an ip address on an unused subnet. that's the only way the dhcp client will work on the vm.


2009年7月22日 — 先看一張我做的傷眼簡易圖表...目前這樣搞起來,說沒問題是沒問題(因為可以用)但是又有問題(因為用起來怪怪的...o_o(話說這樣架構會不會出問題阿?

BFW Firewall & Router • View topic

Hi. Using VMWare on Linux. For testing I create 2 virtual PC. One for BrazilFW and other for WinME. BrazilFW is working fine - I set both NICs to bridged ...


2010年3月28日 — 圖1-是直接在pc安裝bfw來使用,pc-1-pc-2都有架站,所以能用port forwarding來對應圖2-是在xp安裝vm,然後vm底下在安裝bfw但是如果這樣上網的話pc-1.pc-2的ip

1883 (BrazilFW

BrazilFW is x86 based. The CDROM version boots fine in VirtualBOX. It is the IDE installation which does not boot. Hence, I would assume it is a problem with ...


2013年4月5日—ThevirtualBrazilFWinstancenowrunsmanytimesfasterthanitdidbefore,butnowIhaveaproblemwithRemoteDesktopaccesstomymainLAN ...,2010年2月27日—專門做NAT的作業系統的選擇還蠻多的,像是m0n0wall,BrazilFW,IPCOP等等,我最後選pfsense的原因是功能多、介面好看之外,他剛好也是FreeBSDbased…,,Virtualização.AVersão3.xdoBrazilFWécompatívelcomosseguintesaplicativosdeVirtualização:VMWareVirtualBoxVirtual...